WCA Bursary
The Whonnock Community Association offers a$1,000 bursary to grade-12 students going on to post-secondary education and who live or have lived in the Whonnock area.
One of the requirements looked at before rewarding the bursary is a student's commitment to the community, school, or other worthy causes through volunteerism.
More information is available through the high-school councillors.

Brain and Isabel Byrnes in 1986

Donate to the Brian and Isabel Byrnes Fund. Quick and easy. Click here for the link. |
Byrnes Bursaries
A generous bequest by Brian and Isabel Byrnes provides the funding for the Byrnes Bursary program directed at post-secondary (university, college, or technical school) students from Whonnock and Ruskin. The amount of the bursary available is up to $2,000 for each four-month term.
In 2005 the Whonnock Foundation initiated this successful program and in the following fifteen years the Foundation granted Byrnes Bursaries with a total value of around $250,000 to worthy students.
Now the Whonnock Community Association is the administrator of the Byrnes Bursary program and, as the Whonnock Foundation before, the Association offers Byrnes Bursaries to residents and former residents of Whonnock and Ruskin and their offspring committed to successfully completing a course of post-secondary studies.
Click here to read Terms of Reference for the Byrnes Bursary.